My moves to discredit the junior minister for science and technology, who was blocking my return to government office, have worked well, Ed confides to his diary. The junior minister’s plan to introduce an AI programme into the science and technology department to evaluate whether government should fund particular start-ups has been corrupted by my devilish wheeze to introduce falsehoods ...
Ed Looks To Be EU Chip Envoy
It seems to me that I am eminently suitable to be the ‘Chips Envoy’ proposed by the European Semiconductor Industry Association, Ed confides to his diary. I have done 30 years before the mast in the chip industry, been the CEO of three semiconductor companies, been the UK’s principal Minister for science, technology, industry and commerce and I know my ...
Ed Concocts A Wheeze
I’ve been up against a snag in my bid to get back into government under the new political regime, Ed confides to his diary. At first they seemed keen to have me back in some kind of science or technology job but then a junior minister seems to have taken exception to me. It seems he fancies himself as a ...
Ed Gets In A Jam
I’m in a pickle. After I left Ministerial Office I accepted the Chairmanship of an importer and distributor of ICs, Ed confides to his diary. The salary was so large I should probably have smelled a rat, but I was flattered to be approached and it was run by a couple of old industry mates. Now I have learnt that the ...
Ed Goes For Free Space Optics
Free space optics for processing, not interconnect, is an area which seems ripe to me from an investor’s point of view, Ed confides to his diary. It seems a bit blue skies but it has the all-important attribute that it has never been the subject of a hype-cycle. So, for an investor, it’s cheap. I have put money into four ...
Ed Gets Spaced Out
Having managed to extricate myself from my unfortunate investments in AI ‘opportunities’, I am looking around for the next rope-a-dope ploy from the hype-monkeys, Ed confides to his diary. It wasn’t easy to get rid of them – these weren’t particularly liquid investments and everyone’s selling this stuff – but Greater Fool Theory came to my rescue and I didn’t come ...
Ed Spots The Training Wheeze
Training is the big deal -,governments are spending bundreds of billions on semiconductor facilities which lack the hundreds of thousands of staff needed to operate them, Ed confides to his diary. The opportunity is obvious – governments will pay for setting up of courses in semiconductor disciplines and will pay the fees of the students who attend them. Companies will ...
Ed Upsets The College Of Heralds
A mediaeval booby called Garter King of Arms has been giving me grief, Ed confides to his diary. This bygone relic has written to me saying that my commercialisation of my Coat of Arms is contrary to the practices of the College of Arms and must end Naturally, I told him to stick his whinge up his tabard, at which ...
Ed Itches For A Scam
I am now endorsing several commercial products thanks to the efforts of my US agent, Ed confides to his diary, the money is rolling in, the lifestyle on Venice Beach is most agreeable – apart from the odd shooting – and the woes of ministerial office seem far away. My agent has come up with the wheeze that anyone who ...
Ed The Celeb
I have become a bit of a celeb across the pond thanks to my appearance in an ad promoting my AI-enabled toothbrush, Ed confides to his diary. Losing Ministerial Office means I am relieved of the obligation to avoid any (public) association with commercial activities. In anticipation of my new-found freedom from ministerial obligations, I allowed myself to be filmed ...