Here's a book you may consider worthy for your shelves. It's not strictly gadget-related, but FPGAs should be meat and drink for Electronics Weekly...
Spot the robotic dog heads to UK nuclear decommissioning site
I do like to keep track of Spot's progress, the peripatetic robotic dog from Boston Dynamics. He has now been spotted in Dounreay, working on a UK nuclear decommissioning site.
YouTuber turns to gyroscopic precession to balance Zelda Stabiliser
I do like stabiliser projects - whether Murata unicyclists or self-balancing tightrope walkers - and here's a "Stabiliser Zonai Device". We're talking DC motors and gyroscopic precession...
Searching for what you see with Raspberry Pi glasses (and OpenAI)
Thanks to the Raspberry Pi team for highlighting this one: glasses (with Googly eyes) that can "Google" what they see*, via a clever use of a captioning service and OpenAI.
Gadget in Extremis: Samsung installs 600-inch 8K LED display at flagship Gangnam store
Samsung has unveiled a 600-inch 8K LED display, dubbed The Wall, at its newly opened "immersive" flagship retail store in the Gangnam district of Seoul.
Arduino updates IDE for performance, port auto-selection improvements
Just a quick one to note: Arduino has updated its Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming its devices. It's now Arduino IDE 2.2.0.
Most read Gadget Master posts in the month of August 2023
I do this occasionally - let's take a look at the most popular Gadget Master posts in the last month. It was peak Silly Season, so were any particularly silly?
Gadget Book: Arduino for Arduinians
Here's another tome worthy of the Gadget Master library: Arduino for Arduinians, written by John Boxall and due out next month.
DevBoard Watch: The ST-based Odyssey-STM32MP135D SBC
Check out this single board computer newly available from Seed Studio: the Odyssey-STM32MP135D, based on an STMicroelectronics MPU, the MP135D.
Google offers ‘Digital Garage’ sessions for AI training
Just to flag this one: Google is offering some free AI training for everyone in the UK. Maybe perfect timing if you want to investigate machine learning or artificial intelligence further.