Run-away popularity amongst consumers has forced Raspberry Pi suppliers Element 14 and RS Components to delay its introduction while qualification for CE-marking is undertaken, writes Steve Bush.
Raspberry Pi Development
The latest Electronics Weekly news on the eductional Raspberry Pi development board, a “low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse”.
Raspberry Pi: Get it from RS and Farnell
Raspberry Pi, the £25 educational computer from Cambridge, will be distributed globally by RS Componentsand Premier Farnell, and the Model A has been given a RAM boost to 256Mbyte, writes Steve Bush.
Raspberry Pi with a week to go
Raspberry Pi has been designed to inspire a new generation of teenage computer programmers, by a team of Cambridge entrepreneurs and academics frustrated by the lack of computer science talent emerging from schools.
Raspberry Pi: Ten on eBay, bids skyrocket
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is auctioning a batch of pre-production computers on eBay, and the sub-£20 boards are going for upwards of £1,000.