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Tag Archives: generator

Found a 100MHz dev board at last

One of the monomaina’s in Wonderland is ‘building a better pulse generator’, for want of a better phrase. It should be so easy with all the Arduino-esk microcontroller boards out there that have lovely timers inside, but a recurrent drawback is that it is hard to find one that runs at a ‘nice’ frequency – one with a clock period ...

25fs-rms clock generator

Renesas RC32312 RC32308 low jitter clock app 1018

Renesas is aiming at wireline infrastructure and data centres with a family of 25fs rms jitter 25fs-rms clock generators and jitter attenuators with eight or 12 outputs. RC32312 and RC32308 “provide phase noise and jitter required to meet the needs of 112Gbit/s as well as 224Gbit/s SerDes designs using commonly-available 48MHz to 73MHz crystals”, claimed the company. “The devices can ...

Scope, logic analyser, waveform generators and more from PC instrument

Digilent Analog Discovery 3

Powered and operated through a USB Type-C cable, Analog Discovery 3 is a 9MHz (or 30MHz) 125Msample/s 14bit oscilloscope, a logic analyser, an arbitrary waveform generator and more from Digilent. “Analog Discovery 2, AD3’s predecessor, has been used as a learning tool in hundreds of universities, and as a flexible benchtop tool by thousands of professional engineering companies and organisations ...

A quick strong DIY output buffer for an Arduino (or other) pulse generator?

EinW Dead bug 74AC245 pulse buffer

I am not sure why pulse generator buffers are so fascinating at the moment. It could be that the workshop’s only crystal-backed generator that can run from 0% to 100% duty cycle is still broken, or it could be that it is simply an enjoyable bite-sized problem to ponder at idle moments. Anyway, here is the idea that occurred instead ...

9kHz to 20GHz eight channel microwave signal generator

Rigol DSG5000 signal generator

Rigol has introduced an eight channel microwave generator that works across 9kHz to 20GHz and can deliver related coherent signals or independent signals. Called DG5208, it is one of the DSG5000 range, which also includes units with 2, 4 or 6 channels, and versions which top-out at 12GHz. If eight channels are still not enough. multiple instruments can be connected ...

Faded British monsters on Madeira

EinW Madeira 1956 1.094MW Mirrlees Bickerton and Day Diesel engine

Having waxed lyrical about the Pelton wheels on Madira, I felt the need to post some pictures of the huge UK-made Diesel engines that supplied the bulk of the islands power for decades. The top one is a 750kW Mirrlees Bickerton & Day of Stockport diesel oil and gas oil engine with a Brush alternator, made in 1951 and decommissioned 1992 ...

Telonic adds Siglent’s latest RF instruments


RF instruments from Siglent, the SSA5000A spectrum analyser and the SSG5000A RF signal generator for satcom, radar and mobile comms developers are now available from Telonic Instruments. The SSA5000A spectrum analyser has an operating range of 9kHz-26GHz and the SSG5000A RF signal generator operates at 9kHz-20GHz. Both instruments support X- and K-band measurements for microwave frequency bands. Two models in ...

Spectrum analyser and signal generator for X and K-band measurement

Siglent SSA5000A

Siglent has announced a spectrum analyser and a RF generator for use at 20GHz to support X and K-band measurement. SSA5085A (right) is the spectrum analyser, which works across 9kHz to 26.5GHz and offers -165dBm/Hz DANL and 105dBc/Hz phase noise, according to the company. Options include analogue and digital modulation analysis, and demodulation, including for AM, FM, ASK, FSK, PSK, ...

Breath-powered Bluetooth for gas masks

Chung-AngU gas mask teng

Researchers from Chung-Ang University in Korea have developed a harvester that collects energy from breath in a gas mask, and have used it to power a harmful gas sensor. The harvester is a form of teng (tribo-electric nano-generator, explained at the bottom here) that use motion and electric charge to cause an ac current in an external circuit. This one ...

Wind and wave power platform completes tank testing

Bombora floating hybrid energy platform

 Bombora Wave Power has completed indoor water tank testing of a floating energy platform that combines support for a wind turbine with wave energy harvesting. Evaluated at the University of Edinburgh’s FloWave facility, “the integrated platform was tested under a wide range of conditions, including extreme waves”, said Bombora head of loads and modelling Peter Arnold. “Analysis is currently underway, where ...