NMITE shares five-year vision including an Employment Pledge

The New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) has outlined a five-year vision, and also unveiled its ‘Employment Pledge’.

NMITE shares five-year vision including an Employment Pledge

An initial group of six employer partners – ABT Products, ETL Systems, Kirintec, REHAU, TRP Sealing Systems and Welsh Water – have pledged 15 job offers to NMITE students, on a pay scale starting at £30,000 per annum. These will be subject to a final interview.

“This pledge, from these pioneering companies, is not motivated by philanthropy, but by hard business sense,” explains Jesse Norman, who is MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire and Transport Minister with responsibility for Decarbonisation and Technology. “They know NMITE and its focus on advanced practical skills, they have met the staff and students, and they can see the value of recruiting really talented young people locally.”

Five year vision

Five core themes are explored in its strategic plan, explained NMITE. These comprise: Academic quality and distinctiveness, Inclusive cohorts and successful students, Partnering for impact, Operational and financial sustainability, and Skills for the future of work.

You can read more about these online, and view the strategic plan of the Institute here.

“By 2028, our aim is to have become a beacon of regional innovation and collaboration — where industry partners join forces with academia to create cutting-edge curricular challenges to give hands-on experience, making sure that every student is ready for what’s next in their career,” said NMITE’s President and CEO, James Newby (pictured above).

“Together with our network of partners, we will build a brighter future, by emboldening learners through a pioneering curriculum. Our students will be highly sought after, often receiving offers from prestigious engineering brands before they even graduate.”

The institute’s campus is spread across two sites: Blackfriars, in the city of Hereford, and a newly built location in the Enterprise zone at Skylon park in Herefordshire.

See also: NMITE adds courses

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