Reader-friendly guide to open-source hardware DIN Spec

A reader-friendly guide to the recently-announced open-source hardware specification DIN Spec 3105 has been published, written on behalf of the Journal of Open Hardware by Jérémy Bonvoisin of the University of Bath, one of the many contributors to the specification in which German standards organisation Deutsches Institut für Normung solidly defines what ‘open-source hardware’ is, and what isn’t.

DIN Spec 3105 open source hardware

The guide introduces the open-source hardware DIN Spec:

DIN Spec 3105 intends to make it clearer for everybody what open source hardware is. For end-users to make the difference between the ‘real’ and the ‘fake’. For developers to know what information they need to disclose to label their hardware as open source. For policy makers to have a clear reference endorsed by an official standardisation body.
For this, DIN Spec 3105 does two things. First, it provides an explicit and enforceable definition of the term “open source hardware”. This is done in Part 1, entitled ‘Requirements for technical documentation’. Second, it defines a new kind of community-based assessment process. This is done in Part 2, entitled ‘Community-based assessment’.

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