Provision secure MCU features in production

Segger has introduced microcontroller security feature configuration to its in-circuit programmers, debug probes and trace probes.

Segger Device Provisioner diag

“Modern chips require an increasing level of customer and device-specific configuration,” according to the company. “The driving force is security, especially as more and more devices connect to the Internet. Unfortunately, there is no industry standard for provisioning device security and configuration. Options differ from one silicon vendor to the next, even from device to device, and they keep evolving, making a flexible tool necessary.”

Its answer is ‘Device Provisioner’, a command-line tool that: programmes special areas, downloads certificates, assigns serial number, locks, unlocks, activates security, partitions Arm TrustZone, enables debug, disables debug, sets fuses, programmes option bytes and programmes flash – among other functions.

“It can do anything that any device needs done,” claimed company founder Rolf Segger. “It has a built-in C compiler and access to all interfaces and all functions offered by J-Link and Flasher, including user-programmable interface co-processors to cover existing and future on-the-wire protocols.”

“I am extremely proud of our engineers, they’ve really outdone themselves on this one,” he added.

Device Provisioner executes commands from a C language script written by the user, provided by Segger, or provided by a silicon vendor. The script files can be distributed in source code or in pre-compiled form to protect intellectual property.

It comes as part of the software package for both Segger J-Link debug probes and Flasher in-circuit programmes. Script files can be executed when they are connected to a host PC, as well as executed by stand-alone Flashers.

Device Provisoner web page

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