Radiation-specified 40V GaN for space

EPC Space has created two surface-mount 40V radiation-specified GaN hemts for space use.

EPC7001BSH-and-EPC7002ASH1 GaN hemts

EPC7001BSH is a 50A (120A pulse) 11mΩ transistor in 5.7 x 3.9mm packaging

EPC7002ASH is a 15A (40A pulse) 28mΩ transistor in 3.4 x 3.4mm packaging

“Both devices have a total dose radiation rating greater than 1,000kRad(Si) and SEE immunity for LET of 83.7MeV/mg/cm2 with Vds up to 100% of rated breakdown. These devices come packaged in hermetic packages with small footprints,” according to the company. “EPC Space’s rad hard devices support higher total radiation levels and SEE LET levels compared to traditional silicon solutions.”

Lower cost engineering models are available along side the space-grade parts.

Earlier this year, EPC announced EPC7009L16SH, a radiation-specified 3MHz low-side gate driver for GaN power transistors, itself made on a GaN process.

“With the introduction of EPC7009L16SH, the full potential of eGaN HEMTs is unleashed, which is not possible with the current silicon-based drivers,” claimed the comapany. “Moreover, EPC7009L16SH can drive at least four EPC Space discrete GaN devices.”

It includes an input logic interface, a linear regulator and an output driver circuit, plus under-voltage lock-out.

The linear regulator takes in 9-11V and delivers a 5V rail for the output stage that will not over-volt the following hemt gate.

The total ionizing dose is guaranteed to 1,000kRad and the SEE immunity for LET at 84MeV/mg/cm2 with the IC’s supply adn maximum operating voltage.

50A 40V EPC7001BSH

15A 40V EPC7002ASH

EPC7009L16SH driver

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