Military-standard graphics processor is OpenVPX compliant

Kontron VX3327’s is a 3U VPX graphics card with AMD Embedded Radeon E6760 GPU which is designed to military standards.


Its 480 computing cores are capable of parallel data processing performance of up to 576GFlops.

The 35W board uses conduction cooling to deal with a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

The OpenVPX-compliant 3U VPX graphics card has been designed for long-term available GPGPU applications in avionics and military technology. It supports the OpenCL programming language as well as AMD’s Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) technology for supercomputing capabilities. The AMD platform allows OpenCL code to be compiled into external libraries to embed highly parallel algorithms into conventional code, such as C++.

The scalable module is fitted with a Radeon E6760 GPU-based MXM 3.0 module, which is connected via eight PCI Express Gen2 lanes.

A link-data rate per lane from 1.62GHz to 5.4GHz is supported and fast graphic memory of 1GB GDDR5 with 128 bits and 800MHz are also featured.

The VX3327 is available now supporting the operating systems Linux, Windows and VxWorks.


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