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Tag Archives: Ofcom

Ofcom likely to licence Kuiper


Ofcom says its ‘preliminary view’ is that it will licence Kuiper, Amazon’s satellite constellation, to deliver broadband connectivity and mobile telephony to UK residents. ‘This document sets out our initial assessment of Kuiper’s application for an NGSO network licence for its Kuiper system using Ka band frequencies between 27.5-27.8185 GHz, 28.4545-28.8265 GHz, and 29.5-30 GHz. Kuiper plans to provide satellite ...

Ofcom consults on licensing changes for NGSO constellations such as OneWeb


Ofcom is proposing rule changes around its regulation of satellite constellations operating in non-geostationary orbits (NGSO), such as those of Amazon, SpaceX, Telesat and the UK government-owned OneWeb. It has announced a consultation period ahead of new proposals for its licensing of the NGSO systems. In order to ensure the quality of such satellite broadband services, it is proposing new ...

Ofcom allocates spectrum for IoT


Ofcom is to allocate 10MHz of VHF spectrum in the 55-68MHz, 70.5-71.5MHz and 80.5-81.5MHz bands for the IoT. Currently, licence exempt devices including M2M can access spectrum in the 870-876MHz and 915-921MHz bands. Ofcom says that the low data rates of IoT applications don’t require more spectrum. Business radio licences will continue to be available until the new dedicated IoT/M2M ...

Government puts squeeze on mobile operators


The UK government is squeezing more money out of the mobile operators. Regulator Ofcom has announced a significant increased in licence fees for the 900-1800MHzz radio spectrum. Ofcom has today published revised annual fees for mobile operators, determining the amount of money they must pay to use certain parts of mobile spectrum. It is the result of a five year ...

IET calls for new “mobile data-centric” 999 service


The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is calling for an “urgent” reform of the 999 emergency call service in the UK. The change is needed, said the IET, because of users increasingly moving away from landline phones to smartphones and to devices they enable like wearables, and from voice to data. The IET is also calling on the government ...

Ofcom warns of mobile interference to digital TV

Ofcom has said filters may be necessary to remove threat of interference between planned mobile phone services in the 800MHz band and digital TV delivered through a roof top aerial. Ofcom plans to auction 800MHz spectrum, which is adjacent to the frequencies used for digital terrestrial television broadcasting, for 4G mobile services next year. The telecoms regulator has set out ...

4G will solve mobile capacity problem in 2013


4G LTE mobile phone technology will be far more spectrum efficient than today’s 3G networks, said industry watchdog Ofcom. “Research reveals that the next generation of mobile technology will deliver more than 200% of the capacity of existing 3G technologies, using the same amount of spectrum,” said Ofcom. The comms regulator said that the increased capacity this brings will be ...

Ofcom to cut Openreach prices up to 9%

Ofcom proposes to impose real cuts of up to 9% on the wholesale price of a range of BT Openreach’s products. A consultation published on Thursday proposed the following cuts outlined in the table below. These products cover areas where Ofcom has found that Openreach has significant market power and therefore must accept price regulation. This consultation covers wholesale charges for ...