The Internet of Things

The buzz about the Internet of Things is justified. Technology companies like buzzwords. This is OK, because sometimes these buzzwords seem to do the trick and propel a market into growth.

Key to IoT is collaboration, says ARM CEO
“No one company can own the IoT space and we see collaborations and partnership as being a critical ingredient in its success,” said East.

Qualcomm IoT

Qualcomm view of IoT

Qualcomm up for IoT
Qualcomm has made a contribution to the Internet of Things by giving the source code of its AllJoyn connection software to the AllSeenAlliance (ASA) – a creation of The Linux Foundation .

IoT is not really new, but it works

The Internet of Things is not even a new concept. Five years ago you probably knew it as M2M or machine-to-machine communications.

M2M was the exchanging of data between remote machines, such as vehicle tachometers and security cameras, using mobile phone networks.

But five years ago the industry and users were not sure about its usefulness and not ready for M2M.

Today they are and the Internet of Things is predicted to be the most important market driver for the electronics industry in the next 12 months.

ARM demonstrates UK government plan for IoT
“The Technology Strategy Board is committed to accelerating economic growth by stimulating business-led innovation,” said Andrew Tyrer, lead technologist, Internet of Things, Technology Strategy Board.

Cambridge white-space radio firm gets funding for expansion
Neul’s aim is to facilitate the so-called internet-of-things (IoT) concept, where many electronic systems interact with the web.

The UK industry is well-placed to take advantage of the Internet of Things

The IoT uses wireless communications device and network technology, which remains a core-competence of this country’s electronics community. Britain’s heritage in radio technology has supported the creation of a wireless sector with a global reputation built on design innovation in mobile systems and RF devices.

Add to this a growing capability in sensor design and the emerging technology of printable electronics and you have the foundation technologies for the Internet of Things.

The early applications areas of the Internet of Things are smart metering, automotive, renewable energy, security systems, factory automation and healthcare. All of these sectors are particularly strong in the UK.

CSR Starter Dev Kit Target Board with CSR1010 Module

CSR Starter Dev Kit Target Board with CSR1010 Module

It is the combination of wireless technology and low-power semiconductor design which lie at the very heart of the Internet of Things.

With world-leading companies developing products in both of these areas, the UK industry has every right to be buzzing with expectancy at the idea of the Internet of Things.

FreeRTOS gets lightweight IoT interface with Nabto
The IoT device only handles a small amount of data, out-going data from its sensors and in-coming commands, the other web pages are served by a remote server in the cloud.

CSR devkit speeds Bluetooth Smart development
This SDK offers a low barrier to entry for developers looking to create fully-featured Bluetooth Smart products such as wearable, human interface, fitness, medical and IoT devices.

Diary Date
The M2M World Congress takes place in London April 24 -25 2014.


See also: Securing the Internet of Things

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