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Information Technology

Space: Dragon spacecraft returns safely to Earth

A problem-free space mission that is a landmark for commercial spaceflight ended at 15.42 UTC today when the Dragon capsule slipped into the Pacific Ocean, 80 kilometres off Baja California. Dragon, made by SpaceX of Hawthorne, California, is the first commercial spacecraft ever to have docked with the International Space Station (ISS).

Space: Telerobotics offers third way for exploration

Space exploration may have a new direction. In the 1960s, humans did the exploring but since the last moon landing in 1972, NASA's only explorers beyond low Earth orbit have been semi-autonomous robots. Now the agency is pondering a third approach, sending astronauts who would remain in orbit around alien worlds and explore via robotic rovers.

Avionics: GPS loss preceded fatal drone crash

Hopes that a new breed of commercial drones can be easily integrated into civilian airspace have been dashed after it was revealed that the loss of the technology likely to make it all possible - automatic GPS navigation between waypoints - led to a fatal accident last week.