Geyer signs with New Yorker for quartz crystal distribution

New Yorker Electronics has signed a franchised distribution agreement with Geyer Electronic, a manufacturer of quart crystals, oscillators and resonators.

NewYorker Geyer_Quartz_Crystals_Oscillators

“Founded in 1964 in Munich as a retail store with a range of electronic products, Geyer became a manufacturing company in 1992, specializing in frequency products and special batteries. Ultimately it dropped the batteries line and has concentrated completely on the production and distribution of frequency products,” according to New Yorker.

As a franchise distributor New Yorker will supply Geyer’s full line of quartz crystals – THT (through-hole) and MD, tuning fork crystals, ceramic resonators and voltage-controlled crystal oscillators, temperature-compensated crystal oscillators and voltage-controlled temperature-compensated crystal oscillators.


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