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Monthly Archives: December 2008

Frans van Houten Leaves NXP

So, Frans van Houten is to step down as CEO of NXP. For NXP this could be a good thing. I like Frans van Houten, but he’s not a semiconductor guy.

Good design adds value in a downturn


The current market situation demands a different kind of distribution service from that offered traditionally: especially when the market is down, the distributor’s value to the customer will come as much from enabling rapid, high-value application development as it does from supporting custom hardware design. The environment changed for customers, meaning the pressure of competition is now felt from around ...

The Wittiest Protectionist Measure

Is protectionism about to rear its ugly head once again? One hopes this beggar-my-neighbour policy won’t be adopted by governments, but it’s worth recalling the world’s wittiest protectionist measure.

Solar Panel Industry To Go As Nutty As The Memory Industry.

The solar power industry will go as potty as the memory industry next year with massive over-supply causing dramatic falls in pricing. While sales of solar panels will increase nearly 10 per, revenues from sales of solar panels will fall by 20 per cent.