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Monthly Archives: March 2015

Graphene LEDs

The University of Manchester has made LEDs using a quantum well heterostructure made from 2d materials including graphene, boron nitride, and molybdenum disulphide. Efficiency isn’t far behind OLEDs. For more, scroll to the bottom of this graphene led story on the main Electronics Weekly website.

What is the Graphene light bulb?

Graphene Lighting LED lightbulbAC

The graphene lightbulb has been the subject of a huge amount of speculation over the past few days. What is it? The truth is, nobody outside University of Manchester spin-out Graphene Lighting knows, so ignore anything you have heard or read. “As a scientist, I would love to say more, but for commercial reasons I can’t,” professor Colin Bailey told ...

Wearables Bollox

Wearables has always seemed to me to be a bollox market but analysts IDC have done their best to give it substance.

For very fat leds, a 20A (40A peak) driver chip – and it’s agile

LT3744 neg buck boost

  Linear Tech’s LT3744 synchronous buck converter is designed to deliver 20A constantly from 12V, or 40A pulsed – this is 80 or 160W according to the company, so it is assuming 4V Vf. As it is intended for use in projectors, the design allows quick transitions between output current levels (see below) – and includes the facility to store ...

IBM to put $3bn into the Internet of Things

IBM says it will invest $3 billion over the next four years to establish an IoT (Internet of things) unit, and that it is building a cloud-based open platform to help clients and ecosystem partners across industries better integrate real-time data and insights from dispersed sources directly into business operations.

Dual IGBT driver has a small footprint

power integrations 2SC0435T

Power Integrations has a dual IGBT-driver core that has a footprint of 57.2×51.6mm and a height of 20mm. Designed to drive standard 1,200V and 1,700V IGBTs, the 2SC0435T2G1-17 combines a complete two-channel driver core with all components required for the IGBT driver circuit. Components include a galvanic isolated DC-DC converter, short-circuit protection, advanced active clamping or soft shut down and ...

Military-Industrial Complex Boosted

The Kennedy administration seems to promise to the three military services – Air Force, Army and Navy – much of what the Eisenhower administration denied them. So, 55 years ago, starts a story in Electronics Weekly’s edition of November 30 1960.